Angela Rust

55 Jewelers Park Drive, Suite 400 Neenah, Wisconsin 54956
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von Briesen & Roper, S.C.

Years In Practice

Phone Number (920) 702-5300

Angela Rust is a Shareholder in the Health Law Section at von Briesen & Roper, s.c. She helps independent healthcare providers and emerging companies in the healthcare space to bring new ideas to market, grow revenue and increase their social impact.

Angela’s work with independent providers includes serving as general counsel and legal strategist to provider-owned clinics, ambulatory surgery centers, and provider-owned networks. She has extensive experience in multiple states with structuring and implementing bundled payment programs, employer-sponsored clinics, collaborations between healthcare providers, and centers of excellence agreements. Angela prides herself on providing efficient, practical advice that is good for business.

Angela’s work with emerging companies includes advising innovators on establishing optimal business models that comply with the complex healthcare regulatory landscape. She assists those raising or investing capital with the preparation and review of fundraising documents, such as SAFEs, warrants, and early-stage private placements. Angela helps start-ups structure and form their companies, and prepare their essential business documents and templates. She works with more established and growing businesses to explore opportunities for conversion or expansion into online ecosystems, platforms and marketplaces. This often includes transitioning from paper contracting to online terms and conditions or other digital structures for legal documentation.

Angela assists clients throughout the healthcare industry with the following topics:

  • Formation of Management Services Organizations (MSOs) and Management Services Agreements (MSAs)
  • ACO, PHO, IPA and other provider network arrangements
  • Value-based provider/payer contracting
  • Provider employment and shareholder agreements
  • Hospital/physician alignment agreements
  • Privacy and security laws, such as HIPAA
  • State level health laws (including corporate practice of medicine and fee-splitting issues)
  • Contracts among provider-owned companies for real estate leases, timeshares, purchase and rental of clinical equipment, professional services, and other arrangements
  • Stark and Anti-kickback compliance
  • Anti-trust compliance
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Marquette University, J.D.
Graduated 2007
Contact Details and Office Locations
55 Jewelers Park Drive, Suite 400
Neenah, Wisconsin 54956
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